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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bon Iver delivers a haunting new album, A

Wisconsin native Bon Iver has released an album that maybe the best of his career so far. It's a perfect example of how a musician can grow and truly have their music evolve into something great,
Five years ago, Bon Iver released their last studio self titled album, 'Bon Iver'. Each album release from the Wisconsin group have gained extremely positive reviews. Quickly, the band saw rapid fan growth as people around the nation saw how talented these guys are. Now, Justin Vernon, the man behind Bon Iver, has overdone himself with the release of 22, A Million.

Like Sugar Ros, Bon Iver is one of those musicians whose albums can really speak to you in more ways then one. 22, A Million, the new record, is no different. It's a haunting body of songs and lyrics that will leave you memorized each time you listen to it.

However, 22 A Million does break away from the familiar sounds of Bon Iver's previous two albums.
It expands the music to another level. While there's still the classic Bon Iver's signatures, the intense lyrics and drawn out guitar work, it's as if the musicians have taken what they know and love to the next step, expanding it so well that it fits in perfectly to the new vibe.
It doesn't seem that the album was recorded in Wisconsin, but perhaps in a famous studio in Nashville or London. The new record shows that Jason Vernon has moved from the Wisconsin woods into the world, competing with the likes of James Black and Jason Isbel.

The best thing about Bon Iver is that his music doesn't sound like anyone or anything, and this trend continues with 22 A Million. It's an original sound that fans can really dig into and enjoy.
Each song on 22 A Million is just as powerful then the last. It's satisfying to listen to from start to finish, and most listeners will hardly lose interest. It's beautiful music that fans will love and embrace.

While musically the album is a bit different than Bon Iver's last two records with a more electrical touch to it, there's still a lot of his signature work within the songs. It may seem the musicians have taken off and sailed to London and are ready for the big times, but there's still a touch of the Wisconsin woods in every one of their songs on 22 A Million.

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