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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lumineers rock CMAC last Friday Night

What: Music Review

Why you should listen to The Lumineers

            There are many reasons why you should listen to the Lumineers who are becoming the next big thing in this year’s music industry. The band has literally exploded, selling out amphitheater headlining shows in the U.S. with just only one album under their belts. If you haven’t seen it yet, their video ‘Ho Hey’ has been viewed close to eighty million times on Youtube, earning them the most watched video band in their genre to date. But, as you could guess, the Lumineers are more than just light bulbs and walking down hallways as displayed in that video. They are a five piece folk rock band from Denver, Colorado who not only have written an excellent record from back to finish, but put on amazing live performance as well.
            Last Friday night on June 7, the Denver, Colorado based Lumineers rocked CMAC, the best place to see live music in Upstate New York. CMAC was lucky enough to grab the up and coming rockers as they were heading to Mountain Jam festival the very next day in the Catskills, also located in Upstate New York. The down pouring rain didn’t stop fans from flooding the venue, in fact the concert was near sold out and CMAC was packed Friday night.
            Let’s rewind things a bit. Like most die hard music fans, I was first introduced to the Lumineers last year (in 2012) when they released their self titled debut album. At first, I honestly didn’t pay too much attention to it, as I had thought they were just another new indie rock band trying to be like Mumford & Sons. However, the more and more I heard their singles, “Hey Ho” and “Stubborn Love”, and listened to their album for the first time, I discovered they were, while possibly be in the same category as Mumford, completely different with there own sound. And let’s get this straight, its extremely hard to have your own sound these days as a new band since many new band suffer from the ‘they sound like etc etc Interpol/Radiohead’. The Lumineers have succeeded in creating a very unique sound that when you listen to one of their songs, you say, “Hey ho, that’s the Lumineers!”
            While the first two singles are splendidly written and recorded, the entire album is fantastic, you can listen to it several times and not get tired and actually be enjoyed listening. Live, the songs on the album are much better as well. Last Friday the band performed the entire album, show casing each song with force and energy that radiated off everyone that was there at the venue.
            By the fourth song, which happened to be ‘Ho Hey, everyone at CMAC was on their feet, swaying and dancing to the Lumineers. A father and daughter next to us at the show were both clapping their hands, cheering and dancing with the rest of us, proving that the Lumineers can be heard and enjoyed by truly anyone. Surprisingly enough, the crowd at CMAC that night was a mix of both older fans, and younger ones all their to enjoy the show. The concert ran for an impressive hour in a half, which is unexpected from a band with only one album. Naturally, the band performed several covers as well, and did them excellent, including a classic Bob Dylan tune.
            Before going to the show I had doubts as to why the Lumineers should be headlining amphitheaters with only one album, and my buddy and I even argued that the opening band, Cold War Kids, could possibly headline. By the end of the night we both realized how bad our mistaking was, and the Lumineers confirmed that they are indeed worthy of their status, not just on popularity, but how greatly talented each musician was in the band. The music from each member flowed together well, and the Lumineers have a bright and powerful future in front of them if they keep on doing what their doing now.
            The best part of the concert happening near the end, when, not just the lead singer, but the entire band heading off into the crowd and actually back towards the lawn to perform two songs. The band played “Darlene” and “Elouise” at the lawn, with startling shouts and cheers from the people left out in the rain and the far seats. Having been near the front of the venue, both my friend and I didn’t mind one bit that we had to turn around, nor did anyone else around us. It was a great experience and one of the only times I’ve ever seen a full band do what they just did for more than one song.
            Going home, I realized that seeing the Lumineers made me happy and put a smile on my face. Their one of the most uplifting bands you can see, and worth every penny. If by chance you get an opportunity this year to go see them, you need to. They are the next big thing in today’s music industry world, and NOT just another Mumford & Sons. Throughout the concert, one can tell how much folk has influenced the band and hopefully will continue influencing them throughout their career. There is more than just light bulbs and eighty million views to the Lumineers. They are an actual worthwhile band worthy of your attention, and at the very least, a listen to their wonderful first debut album.

Set list 6/7/2013:
1)    Submarines
2)    I ain’t Nobody’s Problem
3)    Flowers in your Hair
4)    Ho Hey
5)    Classy Girls
6)    Subterranean Homesick Blues (Bob Dylan Cover)
7)    Dead Sea
8)    Slow it Down
9)    Duet
10) Charlie Boy
11) Darlene (In the Crowd)
12) Elouise (In the Crowd)
13) Stubborn Love
14) Flapper Girl

Morning Song,
Gun Song
And Big Parade

(Photo Credit Justin Tarbell)

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