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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Last Man Earth is still good on S3 despite some changes, B

 Above: The original cast returns for Season Three of Last Man On Earth
One of television's most under rated, understated yet completely understandable comedies has returned for it's third season. While fans won't be disappointed by the return of Phil Miller and Carol Pilbasian, the new season does take a surprising new turn that can be both a negative and positive thing for the show.
The thing about The Last Man On Earth when it premiered a few years ago was how great and unique it was. Yes, the end of the world has been done countless times, and now, there's been several sit-com's that have benefited from the success of Last on Earth, but this show put a whole new spin on the apocalypse. Of course, the two leads Will Forte and Kristen Schaal are by far the highlight of the entire show and for good reason. They are brilliant as Phil Miller and Carol Pilbasian in every season.

However, there characters seem to be out played a bit in season three. While this may turn off as a set back for some fans, it's actually a good thing over all for the show as it focuses on some of the other characters in their group. In particular, Melissa's character really comes out to shine on the third season, brilliantly played by newcomer actress January Jones. There's also some new people that come in, helping change the chemistry of the group.

The Last Man On Earth takes a very different approach to it's third season, and some of it is actually surprisingly scary and emotional.
This new thrilling part of the show is completely off centered, and one of the reasons why the new season may lack some of the wit the show had earlier on.

Above all, The Last Man On Earth is still funny and smartly original. It really builds a connection anyone of us can have with it's characters, and we will still love it despite it's new interesting tone in the third season.

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