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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Norah Jones releases a superb new record returning to her roots, A+

The legendary jazz pianist has released her sixth studio album. In doing so, she has returned to her jazz roots with some excellent new groovy tunes that are classic Norah Jones.

Since her debut album, "Come Away With Me", Norah Jones has succeed to becoming a legend of jazz. She's released six studio albums, each of them masterpieces in their own way. Now, Norah has returned to her jazz roots with the new album, "Day Breaks". It's a collection of jazz soothing songs that will have fans marveling at how great a musician Jones really is.

Each song on the album is beautifully crafted and has it's own meaning and feel to it. That's what Norah Jones albums are suppose to be like, heartfelt, meaningful with a tint of happiness or sadness. Those feelings are plentiful on the new record with many more emotions as Jones re invents herself.

Unlike most of her records, "Day Breaks" is filled with impressive jazz guest appearances and solos. Norah even does her own cover of a Neil Young song that's so different you can't help but like it. Each one of these special guest appearances fits right in with the album and have equal melodies with Jones. Wayne Shorter and Dave Guy are really impressive here, offering some sweet and smooth solos that are just as great as what Norah has to offer on the record.

The record opens up with "Burn", a perfect opening track that really gets you into the album. It's a signature tune that reflects on Norah's first few records. It's smooth jazz is a reflection of what the rest of the album has to offer.

"Flipside" is the highlight of the record, a much more upbeat tune that shows just how truly talented Norah Jones can be with the piano. One minute she can be really low key with the instrument, and then the next she can be turning up the notch in more ways then one.

While 'Flipside' might be the most faced paced record on the album, all of the songs are fantastic.
The highlight of Day Breaks is how well Norah Jones can match her voice with the piano. It's as if the two are musically linked and connected, and there's no way she can ever be pulled away from the keys.

Day Breaks is not only one of the best albums of 2016, but perhaps the best of Norah's career. It really shows how well she's progressed as a musician while at the same time staying respectfully true to her roots.\
It's an album all music fans can experience and enjoy,  seeing that Norah is beautiful in many different ways.
The newest single from the record, Carry On:

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