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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Maggie Rogers charms Higher Ground for her second show ever, A

This week, a packed crowd showed up at the Higher Ground right before an incoming snow storm would slam Vermont. Maggie Rogers only played a six or seven song set, but within that set was an amazing and incredible performance from a young and inspiring new musician.

Maggie was filled with tears when she came on stage Monday night. "Oh my gosh, there's so many of you here," she choked up teary eyed. She then launched into one of her most acclaimed new songs, "Dog Years" that will be featured on her upcoming album which will be released this February.
It was surprisingly one of the most emotional shows in recent memory. Everyone in the crowd knew they were part of something truly special as it was Maggie's second show ever. It was also the biggest crowd she'd ever perform in front of to date.

For being the first time she's ever been on tour, Maggie and her band did an incredible job Monday night. However, her voice alone was the highlight of the night and a reason for fellow fans to catch her live while they can-her current U.S. tour is sold out from coast to coast. Her voice sounds one hundred million times better live then on the youtube videos. The sound was perfect Monday night at Higher Ground. It was so clear that you could hear every decimal in Maggie Roger's singing, which was an amazing thing in itself.

Maggie was beautiful herself coming on stage Monday night with a white dress and pants. She danced and swayed to her music, getting the crowd really into it. She could have done some more dance moves, but it was still entertaining to watch her grace across the stage.
She made some impressive comments too Monday night.

"I don't think new bands should do encores, so I'm just going to do another song and go," Maggie proclaimed. "Now the Rolling Stones, they should do encores."
It was good to know that Maggie has some inner love for the Stones, and hopefully someday she could do a great cover from them.
"Thanks for watching my videos," she continued, "However, I think that music should be experienced live, so I'm really glad you guys came out!"

At the end of her set, Maggie performed "Alaska," the top rising song she's known for, and she did a great version of it.
All together, it was an extremely emotional but amazing show. East coast musician Maggie Rogers is someone you want to keep on eye on this year.

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