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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Chris Stapleton offers this year's best album, A+

Country singer song writer Chris Stapleton has returned with a powerful double wide sophomore album. The result is a wonderful listen and each track is powerful, proving that Stapleton is at the top of his game and ready for more.

Everyone knew they had somebody to look out for when Chris Stapleton was introduced to the world and onto the country music scene a few years ago with his debut album, Traveler. Now, the familiar long haired rugged face singer song writer is back with an album that's even better then the first one, and that's what every artist aims for. Chris not only achieves this, but goes above his sound to create an experience both old and new fans will enjoy. The way he released his album, the first part coming out in earlier this year and the second part later, is ingenius in itself. And, the second part of From a Room Vol 2 is even better then the first.

From a Room Volume 2 is a powerful album from front to back. Even the cover draws you in, and after the first track, you're hooked. It sounds like Stapleton in every way, but it also sounds like he's progressed so much from his first album it's almost scary. Every track on the record is striking to listen to, and you instantly want to listen to more despite it's short length due to the fact it being a double album with Volume 1.

People thing country music is all about beer drinking and girls, but Chris Stapleton moves well beyond that. His lyrics are extremely intelligent and wonderful to listen to, and are one of the best things about Volume 2. The poetry in each song is surprisingly similar to Kendrick Lamar's, deep with emotion and change that's surprising coming from any country singer song writer. The song "Scarecrow in the Garden" proves this to a T.

Of course, Chris's voice is what makes his new albums, and his old record, unique and special. His rough vocals are a reminder country isn't always about pop, nor about girl power either, yet hard earned and respectful singing. Every song on Volume Two shows us how great Chris's voice truly is, and he isn't backing down from everything.
Each one of these songs feels like a classic, and From a Room may go down as one of countries best modern day records. It's highly enjoyable to listen to for even non country fans.

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