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Saturday, November 24, 2018

BlacKKKansman is a powerful Anti-Trump film, A

It might not be the best film of 2018, but BlacKKKansman is an extremely entertaining, haunting and above all else, powerful historical political movie about groups of extreme racism within the United States.

It's perhaps Spike Lee's best film work in decades. The extremely political director returns with a movie set in historical 1970s America in Colorado Springs about a true American Hero that infiltrates the KKK. The result is an extremely entertaining, very powerful and wonderful film to watch from beginning to end. Lee hits his signature trademarks on every twist and turn, and sometimes the movie has a comical approach to it, but other it's extremely unsettling and just plain weird. As much as BlacKKKansman is 'based on some real life shit, yo' as the film suggests, It's a film that's been released in a time in American History where it can make an impact on the American people even today.

The plot line of the film, screen writing and direction are by far its highlights. Unlike some Oscar worthy films that start off slow, BlacKKKansman keeps you interested and intrigued from the first several minutes until the last, despite it's fairly long length. Lee managers to weave in everything a political movie should have-heart, a story, uneasiness and above all else, it really makes you think after the final few minutes of the film.

Another great thing about BlackKKKansman is what makes the film work is the chemistry in between the two protagonists, who are wonderfully played by John David Washington and Star War's baddie Adam Driver, who steals the show. It's interesting to see him in such an unusual part, and Driver nails it with one of the best acting performances of 2018. He might just be Oscar worthy for best supporting actor.

The soundtrack to the film is great as well, with classic 1970s songs that fit in will with the movie. It's a reminder of a time that although still in the 21st century, was vastly different from our own.
There's nothing really wrong with BlacKKKansman, making it one of the best films of 2018. It's uneasy to watch not because of violence, but because of the intense subject matter of racism and dealing with both White Power and Back Power. It's powerful because it's been released at a time where the movie is perhaps needed most, and should be watched by watched by all those who vote and are in the political field.

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