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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Widows is a powerful new thriller, B+

A powerful cast and great direction helps Widow over come it's flaws as a successful new heist thriller.
There's no denying the fact that Steve Mcqueen's Widows is all about star power. Yet often times, especially after Oscar films, award winning actors and directors find themselves in a dud. This isn't the case with Widows. It's beautifully directed by the director of 12 Years A Slave, and although it's a completely different film, it almost feels just as great as that movie. Almost. Widows isn't a perfect film, nor is it the best movie of 2018 by any means, but the advantages here are by far better than the disadvantages.

The strong point of Widows is by far the brilliant actors, who all do a tremendous job. Some of the acting high lights are of course Viola Davis who plays the lead actress. However, all three of the lead actresses are great in Widows, including up and comer Elizabeth Debicki, who steals the show.
Yet perhaps the best acting out of everyone in Widows might be Colin Farell, who gained a tremendous amount of weight for the role and is a delight to watch on screen here.

Widows is interesting because it really makes sense of it's surrounding and settings and how that affects the characters throughout the film. It's a smart, sassy heist film that takes place in modern day Chicago, and director Steve Mcqueen adds is own unique touches to the movie.
However, Widows is far from perfect. The first part of the film can be dreadfully slow at parts, which is uncommon for the genre.  If it would have been a little bit more action throughout the movie, it would have made it even better.

The theme of the movie is a bit unfocused as well, and at some points the entire film struggles to find what kind of movie it actually wants to be.
Aside from that, Widows works mostly because of it's stellar cast and exceptional directing from Steve Mcqueen.
Most movie goers won't be disappointed, and it's a breakout role for Debicki and even Michelle Rodriquez.

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