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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Umbrella Academy is just so so, B-

Although it does benefit from a great performance by Ellen Page and has all your favorite things in a super hero drama series, the Netflix show falls flat of the tired genre that it's involved in.

We can all agree that the characters and events in The Umbrella Academy are great. The super powers fun to watch and their is some pretty decent acting, too. However, even Ellen Page can't save the Umbrella Academy from being the top new best thing everyone should watch. Fans of the original comic books might be impressed, but for those just stepping into the lime light might be giving a sigh at another super hero saga that is trying to do something different like everything else out there.

In that regards, it isn't The Umbrella's Academy's fault, however it's clear that Netflix is trying to have it's own new super hero show in the spot light after the cancelation of it's former Marvel stars. Compared to any of those shows, Umbrella Academy doesn't have a great enough plot, great enough characters, and great enough special effects. It's just okay, and unfortunately in today's super hero world, just okay might not be good enough for many to really sink their teeth into this new show.

On the plus side, it does have everything everyone wants and more in a new super hero show. Time travel, messed up characters, a whole bunch of events, and some pretty good acting that's highlighted by of course everyone's favorite Ellen Page. Page is a delight to see on the small screen, and truly makes the show.
Another great thing about the show is that it's often funny and serious, with a good equal balance.

However, the characters never really get fully developed, and although there's lots of events, nothing seems to actually happen and the consequences aren't even there at all.
Which, any good super hero show or movie should always have consequences as what the characters will be doing and how their lives are effected by these events.
The Umbrella Academy certainly isn't a bad show, it just isn't one of the ones that will be super hyped up. Hopefully a second season will change that.

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