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Friday, April 24, 2015

Alabama shakes return with a powerful sophmore debut, A-

What: Album Review
Who: Alabama Shakes
When: April 2015
Why: The Band's second studio album
Above: The New Single 'Don't Wanna Fight'

Alabama natives Alabama Shakes return to the music world with a new sophomore album, Sound & Color, that progresses them further and greatly improves on their unique sounds. Three years since Boys & Girls, Alabama Shakes are now co headliners and headliners at music festivals across the country, and rightfully so. They've returned with an album that's a powerful fresh new start for them, sounding different, unique and satisfying all at the same time.
The sounds coming from the album are of course helped by lead singer Brittany Howard, who's voice is more powerful than ever. Her Joplin like voice rips through songs like 'Don't Wanna Fight' and 'Guess Who', making the band who they are and a dominant force in the new music scene. The band is also great on the new record too, giving Led Zeppelin type riffs and weird experimental sounds to several songs on the album, including 'The Greatest'. However, Howard's musical range outshines everything more than ever on this new album, but with great talent like hers it's a no brainer why.
Sounds & Color is a much more experimental and psychedelic album than 'Boys and Girls', adding instruments like the xylophones to give new uniqueness, but that's a good thing. It's an interesting new twist to the band that should be embraced by their fans and might even gain a few new ones along the way.

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