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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The best Marvel movies so far

What: Movie Review
Who: Marvel
When: 2008-2015
Why: In anticipation for Ultron

In today's movie industry, everyone knows you've got to have the right stuff in order to make a good super hero film. In anticipation for Avengers: Age of Ultron, we count down the top 10 best marvel movies of the past decade, from worst to best and why that is.

From Worst to Best:
10) Iron Man 3
Despite a high rating from critics, Iron Man 3's poor plot lines and questionable special effects make it to be unfortunately the worst addition to the Marvel Universe. With scenes and plot line just as bad as Spider Man 3, the 3rd Iron Man is nothing like the first film and ultimately lets down America's favorite modern super hero. The villain was even too hyped up, making his appparance in the film poor and very uniteresting, and the love story between Pepper Pots and Tony Stark is a dud.
Grade: C- or D+

9) Thor: The Dark World
While the first Thor film was fun and exciting, even though it wasn't by far the best Marvel film, the 2nd film does it unjustice. With a lack luster villain, the only good thing about the movie is when Loki is on screen. The plot is sketchy at its best and highlighted times, something Loki would never stand for.
Grade: C-

8) Iron Man 2
Although it being slightly better than Iron Man 3, Iron Man 2 is still a rather poor entry to the Iron Man franchise. With the first film being so great and magnificant, it was hard to level up to that, even with the introduction to War Machine onto the big screen. However, Iron Man 2 could have been alot worse, and there were still funny moments and lots of action scenes, and Whiplash was a much better villain than Manderin.
Grade: C+ or B-

7) The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Second Hulk film, this one with Edward Newton as Bruce Banner and coming with a stellar cast, wasn't necessarilly a let down. Although most critics disagreed with it's screen time and presence, the Hulk movies have aged incredibly well over time. They are super fun with great action scenes and good villains, and what more can a super hero movie ask for? Although Ang Lee's film was slightly better, the Incredible Hulk wasn't the worst film in the Marvel Universe, and it even had a cameo with Robert Downey Jr introducing Marvel's future great plans.
Grade: B-

6) Thor
With Thor's introduction on the big screen, one was expecting a little bit more. But hey, even though Thor was far from perfect, there were some amazing special effects, especially introducing the world of Asgard. Natalie Portman gave the movie some light as well, and it was fun seeing her in a super hero movie roll for the first time.
Grade: B or B+

5) Captain America: The First Avenger
The First Captain America movie finally brought the American hero onto the big screen, and everything about it was fun from the beginning. Most people were surprised that there was actually a good Captain America movie out, since the last one in the early 90s proved to be one of the worst films in history. And Chris Evans fits the part extremely well.
Grade: B+ or A-

4) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
The Winter Soldier did what every sequel should do: be better than the first film. With an intense and interesting plot that was hard to break away from, along with great acting all around and amazing fight scenes, Captain America: The Winter Soldier proved to be one of the best super hero movies made. The villain was pretty awesome too, and honestly there wasn't a single thing bad about Winter Soldier. And it had Robert Redford as a bad guy.
Grade: A+

3) Iron Man
The combination of Director Jon Favreau and the amazing, charming performance of Tony Stark by Robert Downey JR give life and birth to a new modern age of super heroes that both geeks and non comic book fans can enjoy. Iron Man is still do date extremely fun and one of the best Marvel super hero movies that every similiar film in its genre should look up to.
Grade: A+

2) The Avengers
It was too good to be true: Fan boy Joss Whedon directing the ultimate super hero movie. And he did an incredible, amazing job with it. Funny, and full of action and great fight scenes, The Avengers was a perfect super hero film. And it has one of the best villains of all movie history, Loki!
Grade: A+

1) Guardians of the Galaxy
Misfits both offscreen and onscreen, nobody expected the great sucess Guardians of the Galaxy turned out to be. And what a sucess it was because Guardians was both a great science fiction film and super hero movie. It was funny and emotional at the same time, and the characters and villains were all insanely fantastic.
Grade: A+

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