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Monday, May 4, 2015

Bjork's new album is a masterpiece of sound, A+

What: Album Review
Who: Bjork
When: May 2015
Why: Her 9th Studio album

Great apologies for having this review several months late, but better late than ever. This year saw an interesting album release by Bjork called Vulnicura. Interesting because the artist actually pushed her album release date forward several weeks because of illegal torrents and downloading. Despite this, those actions didn't make the album less desirable. In fact, Bjork's newest studio release effort is the best album of 2015 so far, and the best ever in her career.
Bjork is an artist who only seems to be getting better with every album release, even now. With Vulnicura, the Icelander has amplified her themes, sound and vocals to a powerful new level. Each song on the new album is interesting and satisfying to listen to in their own way. However as a whole, and like most of Bjork's material, the album is so complex that it's a hard listen, but only in the greatest way possible. But Bjork make's the album where it's hard not to really listen to the songs more than you would on any other new music release this year.
Simply but, Vulnicura is a fascinating new effort by Bjork who will only gain new fans from this release and will satisfy her older ones.


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