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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Blur's new album is a magical whisp for the band, A

What: Album Review
Who: Blur
When: May 2015
Why: The Band's 8th studio release album
Above: The new single from 'Magical Whisp'

Finally fans can rejoice as we get to hear new music from alternative rock heroes Blur. After a near dozen year hiatus, the band returns with a powerful new album called 'The Magic Whisp'. Like the title, the album is a magical journey through strong and clever tunes that only Blur can come up, making their music sound ever more poppy and catchy than before but with this time a little twist to it. The result is a near perfect new album that should please new and old fans alike.
The best thing about 'The Magical Whisp' is that it's like the band hasn't been gone for twelve years at all. They've returned to their old sounds with a vengance, and Damon and company never stray from their origins on the new record. It's an album where each song stands alone and is powerful by itself, especially the first track 'Lonesome Street'. It's one of the better intro songs on an album in several years in any genre of music, and really lets your mind sink into the 'Blur' phase. It's catchy, poppy and sounds like Blur.
Another great song on the record that stands out is 'Ice Cream Man' proving the page for a more magical twist to the album and is something that might be on Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
The lyrics are stronger than ever before on nearly song on the new record, and Damon's voice is better than ever.
Overall, there almost is nothing wrong with 'The Magical Whisp', and it's actually one of the better albums that have came out in 2015 so far.


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