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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Best Coast's new album a breath of fresh air, B+

What: Album Review
Who: Best Coast
When: May 2015
Why: The Band's 3rd release studio album
Above: The newest single from the album.

Los Angeles indie rock due group Best Coast returns with a brand new album this spring called California Nights. While the album isn't anything new for the band, it's nothing completely bad and fans both old and new will be pleased with the outcome.
One of the more dominant things on the album is Bethany Cosentino vocals, which finally really shines more so than ever before. It's a professional mixture of sound on all the songs, and guitarist Bob Bruno adds his own unique wavelengths of music to the due.
For being a two person band, the album is farely good, with something new that can be enjoyed on the East Coast as well as their home state.
It's clear that Best Coast learned a thing or two opening for Green Day on a previous tour because the album is much more punk sounding than anything they've ever released, especially with tunes like 'Fine Without You' and 'In my Eyes'.
While California Nights isn't the band's best album, it isn't there worst effort and overall a decent effort at new material from two talented musicians.

Overall Grade:

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