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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mumford and Son's new album is better than expected, but still feels off, C+

What: Album Review
Who: Mumford & Sons
When: May 2015
Why: The Band's 3rd studio release record
Above: The band's first single.

With great change comes, well you know the rest. Mumford & Sons have finally released their new anticipated album, Wilder Minds, and the result is largely mixed. While it's a good effort by the band proving they've embraced such new dramatic changes in their music, it's unfortunately not good enough for most of their fans and folk rock music.
This change of course being Mumford & Company switching from acoustic to electric. sync and drums. Everyone expected a change in the band after Babel was released, but this change isn't something that will be for the greater good.
It's as if the group pressed a giant pause button in their style of music. There's no more great tunes on the album like 'Dust Bowl Dance' and 'I Will Wait'. Instead, the energetic musical bursts and erges that made them who they are have dissappeared, replaced by pop ballads and choruses that amy general pop group could do.
Like a fellow amazon music critic review said, it's as if the band traded in backyard barbeque to Mcdonalds. We get that the group wants to draw more fans in, but unfortnately with this move, they might be losing a few of them in the process who won't be heading back to their concerts anytime soon.
The biggest let down of the album is there is no more originality in their music, which is surprising for the group.
By replacing acoustics with electric there is alot more things the band could have done a whole let better that's not so generic.
On the plus side, Mumford & Sons hardly sound like amatuers anymore. They do have professional to them, even if it's a bit generic and more basic than anyhing they've ever done before. The band has only room to grow even more and hopefully for the next record will learn from their mistakes and blend the new electric guitars to their true actually wild side found on the first two records.
Marcus Mumford always delivers amazing lyrics, and this album isn't really a dissapointment in those regards, especially with the first tune 'Topkins Square Park', which may be the best on the record.
Despite it being a bit of a hiccup, this is change for Mumford & Sons to grow to become an even bigger and better band then what they are now.

Overall Grade:
B- or C+

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