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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Regina Spektor returns to her roots in Remember Us To Life, A-

Regina Spektor returns for her seventh studio release album, Remember Us To Life. The Russian born singer, song writer and pianist returns to her roots with many of the new songs.

One of the best things about Regina Spektor's work, especially her older material, is that you really get to feel how emotional she is when she's writing these songs. This theme is the highlight of Remember Us To Life. Her song writing is on full display here, and sometimes it's truly amazing when you get to hear some of her lyrics throughout the new record. The poppy, quirky and almost nerdy Spektor has released an album that fans will be delighted in because it draws listeners back to her first years as a musician.

Another good thing about Spektor is that each one of her albums is relevant to their own themes and sounds, sounding different from each other. Remember Us To Life is no different, but at the same time, her beginnings are still powerfully hear on nearly every track.

Regina's piano work is a fantastic counter part to the lyrics, especially with such songs like "Grand Hotel" and "Piano Heart." It's a reminder that her work can be of multiple genres from pop to indie jazz to anti folk. Her voice is better then ever on all of these new songs, proving Regina is at the top of her game and not going anywhere anytime soon.

Above all, Remember Us To Life is a storytelling album. It's powerful themes, like preserving youth, is catchy and reflects upon her fans just as much as it does on the musician's life.
"Bleeding Heart" opens up the album, letting everyone in on heartbreak and desire. Although it doesn't really connect with some of the other themes, it's a good introduction because Regina is on full display on this opening tune. with great piano work and vocals.

"Obsolete" is another extremely powerful song where the lyrics are almost painful to listen to.
It's always great when albums end on a lighter tune, and despite some of these songs being on a darker side, this is the case with Remember Us To Life. Spektor finishes the new record with "Sellers and Flowers", a beautiful tale as if she's trying to tell everyone that everything is alright in the end.

Although the album isn't her greatest, Remember Us For Life is one of the better releases Spektor has done in the past few years. Fans will love it, and she may even gain some new ones along the way.
Her newest video release, Small Bills:

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