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Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Flash remains the best super hero show on television with S2, A+

The Flash of Both Worlds has two Flashes in the show
A few years ago, The Flash was a spin off from Arrow. Now, this show has become the best super hero show on television, with Season Two picking up the pace and introducing new characters and villains.
There's so much more to the Flash in season two. Somehow, it's creators have made the show even better. They've introduced time travel, black holes and all things mysterious in a spectacular way while not making things too super confusing.
At the same time, the show's original cast is of the best on television right now, with great characters and fantastic acting. The Flash has surpassed Arrow and many other shows as the best super hero drama on television.

Everything great about the first season of the Flash has continued onto the second season. Although there's superb special effects, narrative and storytelling, perhaps the best thing about the show is the cast and characters. There hasn't been a show like the Flash where everyone can love all the characters in their own ways for a very long time, (perhaps LOST?). Each one of the characters in The Flash have their own chemistry and story arcs on the show, and they all have become better in season two.

Season Two introduces a powerful and great new villain and more baddies as well, proving that there's still plenty of creativity involved in the writing.
One of the best things about the new season is it's connection with the old Flash TV shows, and how they've adopted Star Trek's and Star Wars appreciation towards the older actors and themes from previous installments to the modern golden age of super heroes.

Above all else, the special effects in the Flash are top notch. Their not your usual campy effects that are seen in many science fiction television series. The effects fit in perfectly with the show and are wonderful to look at.

The directing and narration, as well as story telling in each episode of the Flash are another highlight of season two. The Flash never gets boring and you get pulled in after the ending to each episode.
Finally, everything about the show is extremely well done. You can tell each actor and every member on set, as well as the shows creators and directors, have a great appreciation towards the source material and love being a part of it. That's what ultimately makes this show so much fun.

Where Can You Watch It?
Seasons One and Two are available on Netflix. Season  three will have the most recent episodes available on Hulu/Hulu Plus or your local cable provider.

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