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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Drive By Truckers release a great new album, A

With great guitar work and wonderful sounds all together, Drive By Truckers new record is a ground breaking piece of art that defines who the band is and the new direction their heading in.

Even though 2016 might be a crazy year for politics and everything else, musically, there's been some great new releases and Drive By Truckers prove this with their new album. It's a fascinating listen to from the first song to the last, and even if your not a fan of the band, you will be one by the last song. American Band is not only one of Drive By Truckers best albums ever, but one of this year's best.

What's best about the record is that the name really defines the whole thing, which is sometimes rare. It just sounds like America, as if the group wanted to do an album for the hard working class of the country while a the same time sounding nothing like Bruce Springsteen.

The highlight of American Band is the guitar work. The guitar is simply incredible on every song, and they don't miss a single beat. It's some of the band's best work since their earlier records, and even those who don't know who the group is will appreciate the guitar throughout the record.

American Band might be a great new way to introduce yourself to the impressive discography of Drive By Truckers for someone who's never heard of the band before. It's catchy in a way that's not really meant to be catchy, a very raw and game changing album for the band.

The surprise is how extremely political the lyrics are of the group. If you want to listen to a politically influenced album this year, this may be the best one to sink your teeth into.
There isn't a best song on this record because their all good from beginning to end.
Take a listen to yourself to one of 2016's best albums by a band that flies under the radar.
the new single from Drive By Truckers

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