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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Rolling Stones release a stellar new album, A

Leave it to the Rolling Stones to release one of 2016's best albums. With a surprise release, the band that never stops have released a stunning new album that goes back to their roots while at the same time offering something new and exciting for the band.

There's one thing that Blue And Lonesome offers: it's a statement to the music world. That statement is that rock and roll's biggest band, The Rolling Stones, are back and better then ever. In a new twist, the Stones ignore their rock and roll signature and return to what brought the band together in the first place: the blues. The result is a powerful new album that's extremely different then anything the band's released over the past few decades.

The Stones are continuing the thread of artists who's music are vastly changing with new album releases. Unlike Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Alicia Keys, they're doing it their own way. The Stones aren't exploring new music but diving into a genre that helped form Rock and Roll, the blues. They do it exceptionally well with Black and Blue. It's the band first musical release in ten years, and now they've done it again with a surprising new twist.

The crazy thing about the new album from the Rolling Stones is that it doesn't sound like a new album It sounds as if the group went back in time and released one of their very first records. It's incredible to sit back and truly listen to an age defining moment of the band. Speaking of age, the band itself sounds great. It's as if they never aged at all. Jagger is as powerful as ever as he sings the blues, and Richards  of course provides an excellent counter reaction that make up for the best sounds on the album.

Blue and Lonesome might not be a perfect album, but it's one of this year's best. It's truly enjoyable to listen to from front to back. However those who are use to the Stone's rock and roll maybe a bit surprised by the tone of this new record. Despite this, there's not a bad song on it, and true Rolling Stones fans will love them even more for it.

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