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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Erin Harpe is a pure force of the new blues era, A

What to listen on Amazon Prime this week: Love Whip Blues
Coming out of Boston, the new group Erin Harpe & The Delta Swingers are a new force of the modern day blues that will soon be taking the music world by storm. Filled with fresh energy and a great new sound, the band has talent and they're willing to prove it.

Currently, Love Whip Blues is their first album they've released so far.

Riding on the wheels of other great new blues women like Samantha Fish and Carolyn Wonderland, Harpe has a mind and soul of her own. Although she's not as raw as Samantha Fish, Erin Harpe sounds like old blues twisting in with new style. And that's always a great thing.

The album is a collection of ten great blues songs that all have their own spirit and meaning to them. While it's obvious that their music is stricken with love, there's some other great lyrics to the songs that give way to other meanings and feelings.

Husband and wife team Erin Harpe and Jim Countryman are the leading forces behind the group, but it's clear that the other members of the band have a dominant presence as well, especially Matthew Prozialeck on harmonica.

Love Whip Blues is a softer side to the new blues movement that's taking the world by storm, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great album. On the contrary, the guitar playing here is just as powerful as other new groups in the genre. It's more of a pure blues sound that will have fans wanting more and more to listen from this new group.

The highlight of the album is Erin's voice, which isn't too powerful but isn't too soft either. It's a perfect blend to the music that's behind her.
Despite being from Boston, Erin Harpe & The Delta Swingers have a pure southern touch to their music, especially with songs like "Charles River Delta Blues" that's a signature of New Orleans and Louisiana.

Live, the band is of course even better then the studio album, with plenty of music and covers to draw from aside from their own music.
Erin has two solo albums, but she truly comes out strong with the Delta Swingers.

The album is available to Amazon Prime members and can be listened to today.
Below: "Love Whip Blues" live 

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