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Sunday, January 8, 2017

The most anticipated movies of 2017

We're already in a new year! In celebration, Wildfire Reviews is making a list of the top 15 movies of 2017 you should be most excited about and why.

1) Blade Runner 2049
With a stellar cast that includes Harrison Ford returning as his original roll, 2017's Blade Runner might be the top hit anticipated film of the year. The new trailer makes it eerily influenced by the original, and with newcomer director's Dennis Villeneuve's recent string of good luck, it should be a fantastic science fiction block buster. Unfortunately, we have to wait funtil October to see it.

2) Justice League
Although there's lots of Marvel films coming out, this is DC's one last chance to do justice to their new cinematic universe. This is the first time ever this iconic super hero team has ever been done on the big screen, and hopefully Zack Snyder & Warner Brothers will be able to pull it off better then their previous efforts.

3)  The Dark Tower
Matthew McCaughney stars as the villain in the movie that's based on one of Stephen King's most iconic novels of all time. The movie has been in development for over a decade, and now we finally get to see it in theaters, along with a HULU show sometime after it's release. However, having the movie pushed back from its original release date may end up having some people wondering, especially with no released trailer to date.  

4) Alien: Covenant
Ridley Scott returns to the sub genre he created with the new Alien film that will blend in together Prometheus and the earlier movies. It sounds awesome, and the trailer makes it look to be scary as all hell. 

5) The Lego Batman Movie
The success of the Lego film no doubt will help this one off to a great start next month in February 2017. The Lego Batman movie looks hilarious, and will hopefully kick open the doors to a new franchise with more wonderful films.

6) Star Wars: Episode VIII
With what happened after the events of the last film, fans will no doubt be wondering what will happen to their favorite new characters in this new reboot of one of the most successful sci fi franchises of all time.

7) Wonder Woman
It's about time this iconic DC character gets her own film. With a new director aside from Zack Snyder, hopefully this one will finally be something great that DC fans can appreciate and applaud when it comes out in theaters this summer.

8) Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk
It's a no secret that any Christopher Nolan movie is most anticipated. This one is most especially because it's the director's first adventure into the war genre, and the fact that he's shooting in IMAX cameras makes this WWII epic interesting enough alone. 

9) Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 2
It's a no brainer that super hero films will dominate this list. However, the success of Marvel's under dog super hero team movie Guardians of the Galaxy have inspired a whole new band of fans that will be cheering on Rocket, Star Lord and the gang as they return for their second film.

10) Logan
Hugh Jackman's last film as the Wolverine will hopefully be a good one, and the trailer makes it look rather interesting with the introduction of a new female wolverine and the return of a familiar X-men face.

11) Thor: Ragnarok
Thor+Hulk+Doctor Strange...need we say more? The new Thor movie sounds like another sequel to the Avengers, but this film may finally put Thor on the level of other great Marvel films like Iron Man and Captain America: Winter Soldier.

12) War for the Planet of the Apes
It's a no brainer that the new Planet of the Apes films are some of the best science fiction done in recent memory. We finally get a conclusion to the series with the latest film , and the trailer makes it looks incredible.

13) King Kong: Skull Island
Although it might be just another King Kong film, this movie signifies the kick off of yet another new movie franchise and cinematic universe. Let's face it, even though we've seen King Kong before recently, we haven't seen him face Godzilla in a long time, which will be the next film in the franchise.

14) The Mummy
The Mummy trilogy with Branden Frasher had it's moments, but hopefully this new film with Tom Cruise will bring an interesting and new spin off to a classic movie monster. Speaking of new franchises and cinematic universes, were excited to see what Universal does with their monster line up, with the Mummy being the first film that will eventually bring all of it's classic monsters on screen in one final movie.

15) John Wick: Chapter 2
The success of John Wick will hopefully make this film just as great if not better then the first. Keune Reeve's excellent performance as John Wick will have fans no doubt cheering for him in the second film, which looks to have even more action filled scenes then the first one.

Special Note:
We didn't include Spider-Man Homecoming just because there's so many other super hero films on this list. Let's be honest, we are kind of all tired of having so many Spider Mans in recent memory, even if the new kid is rather good. 

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