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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Dunkirk is a powerful summer blockbuster, A-

Although it might not be the best movie of the year, Dunkirk works in multiple ways. It succeeds more ways then it doesn't, offering up another solid entry into Christopher Nolan's impressive catalog of films.

Dunkirk isn't the best Christopher Nolan movie ever made, but it sure does live up to it's purpose. The short war movie (less then two hours) awes in many more ways then it what lacks. The visuals and great cast make up for it's less then tedious moments, and above everything else, the movie is true to it's historical facts in every way. At times it does feel like your watching something from the History Channel, but that all goes away with Nolan's superb directing at most parts of the film.

Perhaps the best thing about Dunkirk isn't the story line or the characters, but the visuals. This makes it a spectacular war film, especially the scenes in the air crafts and on the beach. Nolan his these marks dead on, and it almost feels like your there besides these terrified British soldiers during the invasion. The film is massive because of this reason and it's truly a WWII epic that will go down in the books as some of the best visual scenes in any war film.

Another great thing about Dunkirk is how quickly the pace is in the movie. Unlike most more movies, it starts and ends in almost a blink of an eye. This might be because the film clocks in under two hours, which is actually more of a disadvantage. By the end of it, you are almost wishing there could be more to Dunkirk's amazing story, and that two hours really doesn't justify the content of the film. The running time itself is a bit surprising compared to Nolan's other films, which all hover or over around the three hour mark.

Dunkirk makes you believe like your actually on that beach with those soldiers, and halfway through it your actually just as scared as they are. It's a haunting war film that will leave you with chills by the end of it.

The music to the film is also incredible and goes well with every scene.
However, there's several other things that do not make Dunkirk perfect, or perhaps as perfect as Nolan might have wanted it to be.

The fact that it does feel like your watching something out of the history channel at several points is a bit of a drag, and the acting in the movie is also surprisingly not up to par. Although the film does have a great cast including a role from Tom Hardy, most of them could have done a much better job.
That being said, Dunkirk is still a powerful WWII epic that should be watched by all movie fans of all ages.

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