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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Lana Del Rey's new album is just OK, B

Despite some truly impressive work with her previous records, the Canadian pop singer's new record is just about half as good as the others, although it still does show some promising material.

Relatively short, the new Lana Del Rey album shows some relative progress on the singer's fourth record release. If anything else, it's a sound for a modern day singer, and if anyone can keep updated with the times, it's Lana Del Ray. Despite these efforts, the new record feels a bit pushed, and it's almost as if she is selling out for one of the very first times. The songs are poppy with not too much meaning behind them, which is rare for Lana Del Rey.

As always, on every song on the album, Lana's voice is stronger then ever. It's worth listening to the new record to hear her unusual vocals and how well they blend in with their music. In that regards, the album is impressive and strong. However, Lana's vocals might be one of the only highlights of the record.

Lust for Life isn't a game changer like the rest of Lana's album. There's no over dramatic feelings or many emotions that the singer has put in these poppy songs. However, for pop songs, they are still good, and better then what most artists in that genre can do on their best days.

There are several moments and times in Lust for Life that truly represent who Lana is and who she has become, because she's got such an usual sound that really is unlike most of what out there today. This is what makes the singer and song writer so unusual and very true to her own up beat style of music. Some of those completely original sounds from her debut record have carried over, and that's what still makes Lust For Life still good despite some negatives.

Another thing that makes Lust For Life less promising then her previous records is how long it is. It takes almost two hours to listen to from front to back, complete with 16 songs. While this is impressive in it's own regards, over all it would actually benefit if the new release was a bit shorter.
Perhaps the biggest disappointment in Lust For Life is the song writing. It's as if Lana just randomly wrote these songs just to sell the record, which is ultimately surprising for someone like her.

That all being said, Lust For Life is still over all good, and it's filled with dozens of great up beat techno pop sounds that Lana is known for. Most fans won't be disappointed, but some may be wanting a bit more.
Her new single:

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