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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Don't Mess with the new Loser's Club, A

Although Hollywood might have messed up with the Dark Tower, they sure aren't messing around with IT. The new Stephen King adaptation is one of his best ever on the big screen, proving that sometimes, movies can be just as great as the novels themselves.

There's nothing wrong with IT. It's not only one of the best horror films of the year, but one of the best Stephen King adaptations ever made, which is saying a lot. The movie is so stunningly well done that it deserves to be put higher up on the shelf then all others. Not only that, but everything about it is so great that it's hard to discuss what's really good about it after all. Nonetheless, were going to try our hardest at Wildfire Reviews to tell you why this movie is by far the best Stephen King adaptation to come out on film since The Green Mile.

Everything about the film works in wonderful ways. Right from the beginning to the very last scene, you could tell everyone put so much thought and care into this movie that it's hard not mistake it. Each scene is extremely well done. Although some of them are borrowed from the classic 1991 TV mini series, all of them put a different new angle to one of the most terrifying novels of our generation. There's plenty of new angles to the scenes that are the same from the 1991 film to this new version that make them extremely interesting and fascinating to watch.

One of the best scenes of the whole movie is how well they did with the Beverly's blood bathroom, which was iconic in the 1991 version. The new IT movie improved on this so well that it's even better then that, and the care that was put it into it shows.

However, one of the best things about the new IT aren't the scenes but the kids.
The entire movie is shot from their prospective, and there's few adults actually in the new IT. Which makes it even better. As young as they are, the new actors are surprisingly all great in the film. The new Loser's Club is on full display, and it's another thing that IT has done to a perfection.

Speaking of perfection, let's not forget Pennywise the Dancing Clown. He's perhaps the best thing out of the whole movie. Terrifying, funny and constant, Pennywise has even a greater role in this movie then he did in the 1991 version. Although you can't repeat Tim Curry, Bill Skarsgard sure does an interesting job with the character, one that will be remembered for years to come.

And unlike most horror flicks, the movie actually ends surprisingly well, and of course, we're all waiting now for the terrifying Part II to be released in 2019!

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