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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Golden Circle over uses it's cast, C-

The Golden Circle might be a fun violent sequel, but most of it's unnecessary, and despite a Big Lewbowski reunion, it's talented cast is washed up with the plot of the film.

The trailers made Golden Circle look like a great, impressive sequel that would put the Kingsman films back on track. With a major cast that included Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Channing Tatum and Hale Berry, you would think the sequel to the smash hit Kingsman would just be as great if not better then the first. However, the film unfortunately over uses these great actors who show little effort in their roles, and the plot is so filled with loop holes that's it's a wonder that this movie got off the ground at all.

That being said, there are some elements that do make Golden Circle extremely entertaining to watch and that's why the movie is not a complete failure. It's deranged display of violence and fight scenes continue from the original, and the movie does pick up where the first one left off, with most of the same characters. Elton John does also have a comical role in Golden Circle, and if anything, it's worth watching the sequel just for him.

However, this is about the only thing that the Golden Circle has continued from the original. The rest of what made the first film unique was unfortunately lost in this one.
Perhaps the biggest disappointment of this film is Julianne Moore, who's character could have been as great if not better then Samuel L Jackson's villain in the first movie. Unfortunately, character development, a poor plot and little acting credit makes her appearance just a shrug and so what in the grand scheme of the film.

The same goes for the rest of this extremely talented cast, who seem to just not really care they were in this movie at all. Jeff Bridges is always fun to watch, but even his appearance is lacking throughout the movie.

Another big disappointment for Golden Circle is how Americanized it is. For most spy movies, you would think this would be a good thing, but since the Kingsmen is British, the entire atmosphere was lost once they headed over to America for the entire movie.
Hopefully, the next film in the series will take a lesson and be a big better then then Golden Circle.

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