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Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Discovery of Witches first season is a masterpiece, A+

While it does stomp on familiar grounds of witches, demons and vampires, A Discovery of Witches leaps forward with incredible set pieces, cinematography and brilliant acting making it the best new show of 2019.

Let's face it. There's been dozens of shows about witches, demons and vampires, hell there's even been dozens of shows about the combination of witches demons and vampires. Yet, BBC's new 2019 series A discovery of Witches is so compelling that it feels like something new and fresh and exciting, despite digging into it's familiar territory. It is not only the best new television show of 2019 so far, but is one of the greatest fantasy and folk lore shows that's been produced in the last century.
Everything about A Discovery of Witches makes it perfect. Let's break things down piece by piece and why even non magical fans could sink their piece into this new masterpiece.

The best thing about the new romance show is the chemistry between it's two leads. Think Twilight but a million times better. Everything the Twilight movies have gone wrong, this show manages to turn around and make things actually good. Part of the reason is because actors Matthew Goode and Teresa Palmer share such chemistry on screen that it's an absolute delight to watch them. They truly enjoy what their doing, and they are doing it extremely well. You almost want them to be on screen more as the show goes on, even though there are other fascinating characters to watch.

While there has been other shows about witches, demons and vampires, this is something new. It feels new and feels fresh. It's an interesting world, and because it takes place in modern times it actually makes things more believable and compelling. Despite feeling new, A Discovery of Witches still manages to keep traditional legends about each of these creatures alive but in a different and unique way that's unlike any other show in it's genre.

It's extremely suspenseful but in a good way. A Discovery of Witches keeps the pace going from the beginning of each episode to the last, and you never get tired of it, in fact you want more of that episode and wished it was a bit longer. Each episode feels like a movie.

Finally, the writing and cinematography of the show is incredible. It truly acts like it belongs with an Oscar Nominated film because the camera work itself is just incredible. The scenes of London and Venice are truly remarkable and go extremely well with the show's tone.
Another good thing about A Discovery of Witches is that it isn't another teen show. It's meant for adults, which separates it from the likes of other shows in it's genre like Sabrina and Buffy.
It's a show about Witches, Vampires and Demons that everyone can truly enjoy. But be warned, as soon as you watch the first episode, you are absolutely hooked and it's hard to stop watching.
Rotten Tomato Score: 100%
Where You can watch it? Amazon prime with Shudder subscription

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