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Saturday, March 9, 2019

They Shall Not Grow Old is breath taking, A+

In perhaps one of the greatest documentaries ever produced, Peter Jackson brilliant transforms WWI actual footage to breath taking and heart breaking cinematic heights.

As the years press on into the 21st century, we sometimes forget about great events in our past that even effected the entire world at one point in time. Now over 100 years old, WWI is unfortunately one of those events that seems to have left everyone's mind, and nowadays what most people remember is the second world war. Peter Jackson brilliantly manages to bring the first World War onto the big screen and the result is a breath taking, profound and at times, heart breaking experience that will leave you thinking about it for days to come.

The best thing about They Shall Not Grow Old is that instead of focusing on the entire grand scope and politics of the war, Peter Jackson manages to narrow the movie down to what it was like to be a British soldier on the Western Front. He does this to perfection, and as you watch the film and listen to the audio from the actual generals and soldiers who fought and survived the war, you get an incredible sensation that you know all the men and young boys on the screen despite them having lived over one hundred years ago.

It's a complete human experience. Jackson really does bring out the best of these soldiers and how they went about their daily lives, and even adding some humor to the mix when facing some of the most deathly and brutal environments in human history: No Man's Land and the trenches.
You might have heard about the trenches and introduction to tanks in WWI, but Peter Jackson really brings these out to the front and center and best of all, from the soldiers point of view.

How he transforms old WWI footage to color and audio is truly fascinating. The documentary, although the actual film is over 100 years old, looks great from scene to scene. Instead of fast moving figures like you often see in old films, Jackson has brilliantly found a way to slow down the movements so they appear to be more realistic.

They Shall Not Grow Old is not just a great documentary, but it separates itself from just being another history lesson. It's ground breaking cinema, and that's what we can expect from Peter Jackson.
Where You can watch it? Currently In Theaters
Current Rotten Tomato Score: 99%

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