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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Television Shows: Fall Season 2013

Wildfire review's ratings of various Television shows that are available on Netflix

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia-Season 4:5 out of 5 stars. 'An all star cast, great storyline and writing make this one of the best comedy shows on tv right now'

Futurama Season 6: 3 out of 5 stars- Futurama was cancelled for 2 years before it being brought back onto the air several years ago with a new sixth season. However, the new episodes of Futurama seem too drawn out and over done and not as original as the show once was.

Revolution-Season 1: 3.5 out of 5 stars-while the show suffers from character development, its interesting prospective and strong screen writing & director make up for its flaws from director J.J. Abrams & the team behind lost about the end of the world when technology ceases to exist.

Battlestar Galactica-Season 3. 5 out of 5 stars- BG remains one of the best ever sci fi television shows to be made on the small screen.

Hell on Wheels-Season 1:4 out of 5 stars-Interesting Characters, storyline and settings makes Hell on Wheels a fresh new star while at the same time a reminder of another great series-Deadwood.

Boardwalk Empire-Season 1: 5 out of 5 stars-a strong lead character and other fine ones make Board Walk Empire one of HBO's finest television series since the Sopranos. 

Arrow-Season 1-5 out of 5 stars. Beautifully directed and shot, Arrow is the best new T.V. show that's now quite a spin off Smallville but is as its story focuses on an under rated Super hero, Green Arrow. 

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