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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zero's new album is sub par compared to others

What: Music Review

             One of the many folk rock bands that appeared onto the music scene in the last half dozen years, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes proved their unique difference with hit singles like 'Home' and 'Man on Fire'.
             Hailing from Los Angeles, Edward Sharpe & his band has shown they have true talent and inspiration with love ballads and harmonies proving that their's still hope for indie folk artists.
The band is amazing live, and Edward Sharpe's connection with the crowd is unlike any other folk band out there in today's music world. During their performance at the 2009 Mountain Jam Festival, Edward Sharpe actually asked everyone in the crowd to sit down. (Which is a very unusual request at music festivals when its general admission standing). He then game out into the crowd and played 3 songs acoustically, singing proudly to everyone around him.
            Both their first two albums, Here & Up from Below, have made the band legendary success in the indie world. The two albums are unique in every way with each song being different from one other and rather interesting stories to them as well. Both albums were under the Rolling Stone's top ten albums of the year when they were released and were a huge success to both fans and critics alike.
Recently, Edward Sharpe & his band released their new self titled album.
             Non stop touring did not stop them from recording it, which only was released a mere year after their previous effort. However this may reflect & effect the general sub pareness of this album. While the 2013 effort by the band still has all the signature staples of Edward's Sharp's bizarre & intense lyrics, which almost dominate each song, the album itself as a whole fails expectations.
Perhaps this is because after putting out two sensational albums, everyone seemed to raise the bar for Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes. This album feels loose, strung out and strained, exactly what an album would feel like if it had to be written on the road. The focus seems diverted, and even Edward Sharpe's lyrics are a bit off centered and not as true to their original form as those on the last two albums.
          The album could have been a a lot worse, but with great new talent that the Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes have, one would expect at least a little better effort to be produced.

2.5 out of 5 stars


Home by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes premiered on their debut album several years ago:

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