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Thursday, July 25, 2013

British version of Sherlock Holmes is excellent

What: Mini Series Review

            Say what you'd like about Downey JR and Hollywood's Sherlock Holmes movies. In fact, you can completely forget all about them. Meet Sherlock, the new British 3 part series that kick started a few years ago about the legendary detective. Sherlock is unique in its own way and vastly different from the Hollywood movies because it's a modern version of the tale taking place in present time.

           This series is so much fun to watch that one can almost forget it's even Sherlock Holmes, but then your instantly reminded by the many familiar faces that come from the novels. Sherlock is face paced excitement and almost as clever as the man that it entitles.

           The show benefits from great storytelling, scripts that matter, fairly descent cinematography but most of all talent from its lead actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Cumberbatch plays Sherlock and Freeman plays Watson. If you don't know these actors by now, Benedict played Khan in the new 2013 film Star Trek (who he played t a T), and Freeman is the hobbit Bilbo Baggins in the new series by Peter Jackson. Freeman also played another beloved book character Arthur in The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

           Both Bennedict and Freeman are excellent, and one can see from watching them how much respect and fun they have playing the parts.

          Sherlock is on Netflix, so grab some pop corn and watch this series that deserves a glance to see, even if it's just the first episode.

           As a reminder, it's completely different from Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock and Sherlock Holmes: Games of Shadows.

Grade: A+

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