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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Remake of Evil Dead is so so compared to the Original

What: Movie Review

             Let's face it, the 1980s film The Evil Dead is a blue print of the horror genre for many years to come. Last year came the remake of the original film that was dubbed as 'the scariest movie ever made'. The original film was brilliant crafted by a young Sam Rami (Director of the Spider-Man trilogy) who decided to mix horror with comedy and drama. Hell, The Evil Dead was at times even a bit emotional as one witnessed the struggling agony the characters went through during the night at the cabin.
           Now, let's take this to the very start of this new film. The Evil Dead is one of those cult classic films, so naturally, Hollywood decided it was time to remake it for today's modern world.
The producers of the film agreed to do it and thought it was a good idea, however the director Sam Rami was opposed and thought the original should be left alone.
That being all said, the new remake of Evil Dead certainly isn't a bad film. It has plenty of gore like the original (and it's actually real looking blood this time!). In fact, there's an over load of blood in this film, but that's what Evil Dead is all about. Almost every scene of the remake is filled with gore to please any horror fan, and it certainly is over the top. In that regards, the remake is somewhat original that its breaking new grounds and yes, at sometimes the film is actually a bit scary. (Although it's certainly and unfortunately not the scariest film ever made as the dubbed suggested). The characters and setting of the film are all vaguely familiar as well.
          The thing is it just doesn't feel on the same level of greatness as the original Evil Dead. The comedy, drama and suspense of the original is unfortunately gone and replaced with gore, violence and in your face scares.
          But in today's movie world of remakes & sequels, Evil Dead is an entertaining horror film and may be better than some others in its genre. (Let's not forget the disastrous remake of Total Recall, or never mind, please do). But do yourself a favor, before you watch the remake, date the clocks back a few decades and watch the original film The Evil Dead and see for yourself how the two movies compare.

B or B-

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