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Friday, July 26, 2013

Discographies Dissected: TI West House of the Devil

What: Movie Review

              After watching two T.I .WEST films within a week of each other, one can begin to understand and appreciate the young American horror director T.I. West. At first glance, his movies are hard to get into with slow beginnings. But once you get past that, and mind getting to know the characters, the scares are worth the wait. This is the case with his 2009 haunted house serial killer film House of the Devil. The film is built and made to be viewed as a 70's film, and is a reminder of the slasher and cult films of that era like Carrie and Halloween. You can see both of those films influence on TI West as well as others like any John Carpenter film in this film. While the movie does have a slow start, (like his other film, the Innkeepers), it's worth sticking around for.) House of the Devil does have familiar scenes and a ever so powerful presence of 'we know what will happen next', but there are a few surprises around the door. The last 20 minutes are intensely brutal and the character buildup and movie tension lead to a disturbing, yet  thrilling to watch satanic atmosphere. The movie also benefits strong acting by nearly everyone in its cast. Those in Upstate NY should start paying attention to T.I. West since most of his films, including the Inn Keepers & House of the Devil, are filmed there.

Grade: B+

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