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Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Low Dog Days of Summer @ The Drive in/Movie Review-The Conjuring

What: Movie Review


A few weeks before it's release, nobody ever hear of the Conjuring except the few that may have seen the trailer and said, 'meh, just another haunted house story. How many of these can they do before were all bored to death?' However, this little horror film (that's based on true events), became an overnight smash hit. Critics and fans loved it and the Conjuring soon became one of the most anticipated films of the summer. This is Wildfire review's take on the film that is if not the greatest horror film of this decade so far.

The beginning and introduction storyline of the Conjuring do indeed sound all to familiar. A family with kids (all of them young girls, no less) move into a royal country side house with a dog because they received a great deal on the house and put everything they had into it. Soon the dog dies (Unfortunately these lovable guys are the first to go in all ghost stories), and the family begins to experience some intense paranormal activity.

You may think it's a bit redundant, but the Conjuring actually works. It doesn't only work, it success greatly in the genre it's in. It's not just another ghost/demon and possession story. The characters are fantastic in it and you actually get to care for them by end of the film. The setting of the story is indeed creepy ( I mean, just take a look at that tree), and, last but certainly not least, the scars are over the top fun and terrifying. This is one of the few movies in the horror genre where you actually get scared and goose bumps watching it all the way through. You don't want to watch this at night by yourself.

But the scars in the Conjuring aren't the disturbing scars like in it's grand daddy film of the genre, The Exorcist. These scars are actually FUN. Some of the things that happen to the poor Warren family are the perfect recipe for a good ole horror clashing time.

So to say the least, the Conjuring is actually a horror movie made for everyone. Those of you who don't like the genre might find it more suitable to sit through than other similar films because of how great the scars are and the movie itself. To sum it up, the Conjuring is one haunted house ghost story you don't want to miss.

Grade: A+

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