Above: Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain in Del Toro's Crimson Peak
There maybe only a few scares in Crimson Peak, but it's enough to keep horror fans still interested in the story even though it's no where near as thought provoking or fascinating as Del Torro's earlier work.There are some things that writer and director Guillermo del Toro is exceptionally good at, and two of them are horror and visuals. In Crimson Peak, the visuals are stunning and provide the creepy atmosphere the film needs in order to keep its viewers still interested. However, there's just something missing in the film that doesn't make it half as great as the Hellboy movies or Pan's Labrynth.
The one crucial thing about Crimson Peak is that it if it was done right, it could have been a perfect horror movie. However, Del Toro adds his own unique visions to the film which are both a good and bad thing.
The characters in the film are interesting, especially Tom Hiddleston, (loki) who plays a mysterious 20th century British vision airy from England coming to the Americas in search of funding for his unique machines.
Thanks to some decent acting, especially from Jessica Chastain, the characters never seem to dwindle in the film, and that's what makes Crimson Peak never a bad horror flick.
The one thing about Crimson Peak lacks is that it could be much much more scarier. However, this is a different type of horror film that doesn't focus so much on the scares as it does the atmosphere, the setting and characters.
In those regards, it's a great supernatural flick that will please most horror fans that aren't looking for continues jumping scares but unique setting instead.
Del Toro makes his prime vision in top form here, making the film his own haunted house masterpiece.
Even though it's not as great as his earlier work, Crimson Peak still works in more ways then one, making up for some of its disadvantages.
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