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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Discographies Dissected: Steven Soderbergh and Haywire

What: Movie Review

              Haywire is one of those movies that's available on Netflix streaming. It's also one of those movies directed by Steven Soderbergh, who's Wildfire Review's first movie/music discography. (We'll be doing a discography dissected every so often from now on including discographies on: Writers, Actors & Actresses, Directors, artists and bands). Now back to the film. Released just last year, Haywire is a fast paced action & drama film that, as usual from most Steven Soderbergh films, comes with an excellent cast. This time around, Soderbergh brings in Channing Tatum, Ewan Mcgregor, Michael Douglas, Bill Paxton, Michael Fassbender and a new actress Gina Carona onto the big screen. It's a perfect dream cast. Unfortunately, the cast cannot save Haywire's sense of direction. Which is everywhere. Fast paced movies are a hit these days, but this one manages to miss the mark simply because it's too damn confusing. You don't know what's going on half the time, and there are too many characters to keep track of. For instance, Michael Fassbender's character really doesn't even come to shine until the last five minutes of the film. Despite this, the film does benefit from terrific fight scenes and outstanding first performance by Gina Carona, who plays a runaway trained ex military operator. She's a complete sexy badass in the film and could no doubt kick Alias's Sydny Bristo ass in the spy world. (But she'd be a tough call for Ethan Hunt). That being said, Haywire is not just another spy movie with a spy seeking revenge for someone's death (Even though it kind of is, get what i'm getting at is that it's confusing!?). The films uniqueness and interesting settings as well as powerful cast are unfortunately out shadowed by the lack of character development and general hectic of the film.

Grade: C

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