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Monday, February 24, 2014

Cauliflower at Wing Walk leaves a sour taste

What: Food Review
Where: Syracuse, NY
When: February 23, 2014

Welcome to Wildfire Review's first food event review! Today we will be reviewing the 2014 Walk Walk down in Syracuse, NY for the annual Winterfest party/celebration.
Winterfest takes place every February in Syracuse, NY held over two consecutive weekends featuring dozens of local events like the chili cook off, margarita competitions and wing walk. Wing Walk takes place every year as part of Winterfest and is held locally between usually over a dozen or so restaurants in the downtown Syracuse area.
Unfortunately, right off the bat, this year's Wing Walk vendors were majorly lacking with only seven restaurants competing this year. Last year, they had several more places then then that, and the year before that, there was at least fourteen different restaurants. This no doubt shows that local restaurants and businesses in Syracuse maybe not willing to participate in the annual food tasting event known as Wing Walk and do not wish to support it, which is a disappointment, because it brings awareness and publicity to these places where otherwise they would have none.
The biggest let down of the 2014 Wing Walk, besides the chicken wings having be lackluster good this year and not a single place having a 'stand alone, this is great' wing,  two of these restaurants were unfortunately crossed off.
The first, Anthony's, ran out of chicken wings a mere 2 hours into the event with more than 3 hours left to spare. You would think if your establishment was participating in something like this you would be well prepared to handled the crowd.
The second huge disappointment, and perhaps biggest let down of the 2014 Wing Walk was Lofo's serving Cauliflower instead of actual chicken wings, which automatically crossed them off the list for the competition. It's a mystery why a veggie cafe would even be interested in submitting into the wing walk. Yes, we understand theirs vegetarians out there, but let's face it people, vegetarians wouldn't be signed up for a Wing Walk. In a food tasting competition, people want to taste the actual food described on the bill, not a surprise or something completely opposite of that food listed.
For the above reasons, the 2014 Syracuse Wing Walk was a complete failure. It is not worth spending the $10 for getting only a dozen wings. Perhaps if they increased the number of venues next year, it maybe worth it, but with the way things look, that is very unlikely. The 2014 wing walk is not worth going to. The only good thing about the Wing Walk was Syracuse's infamous Dinosaur Barbecue was still fortunately listed as one of the seven places to taste wings.


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