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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tokyo Police Club's new album is average

What: Music Review/Album Review
Who: Tokyo Police Club
When: March 2014
Why: Their new album, Forcefield

Canadian indie rockers Tokyo Police club return to the music scene with their fourth studio album, Forcefield. Cleverly named, the album sounds like it truly has force behind it. It's aggressively sounding and the band even sounds somewhat different from their previous musical efforts as well. The sounds are catchy and easy to listen to. The only thing wrong about the album is a big one: it's almost too aggressive. It's very much unlike their previous studio albums that die hard fans maybe offended by such turn of events. Bands like Tokyo Police Club need to know while coming out with something new sounding and different is always important, there is always a breaking point where too much difference can be a problem.
The album may be too dominant and loud at some points, and at other points it may be too soft. Despite the tunes not mixing well, the new album by indie rockers Forecfield is a somewhat successful effort by a band that seems to have limitless energy in producing and recording music.


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