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Sunday, June 1, 2014

A perfect summer day provides dance friendly fun for Rusted Root

Who: Rusted Root
Where: Paper Mill Island, Baldwinsville, NY
When: June 1st, 2014
Why: Rusted Root's annual Syracuse get together

Rusted Root Performs at Paper Mill Island 2014

It's safe to say that it isn't summer in Upstate NY, or Syracuse NY for that matter without a performance from that beloved jam band Rusted Root. The Pittsburgh group visits here every year, and their fans new and old keep coming to the shows, which is always a good thing. It was an early concert at Paper Mill Island tonight because of the city's noise ordinance of 10PM, but that didn't stop the band from jamming out to its dance friendly crowd and the beautiful island venue.
Rusted Root befored for a good hour in a half with a dance friendly and exact set, saving their best songs Send me on my own way and Ecstasy for last. The perfect weather of temperatures hovering around 75 degrees without a cloud in the sky made up the show and was the dominating factor. Girls danced and swayed in their summer dresses, and the older crowd sat on the lawn with their many lawn chairs. All came together and enjoyed the concert.
The band themselves were mostly good for the most part, putting on a decent performance. Front man Liz Berlin seemed to be a crowd favorite as she constantly changed instruments to their delight. The crowd up front was into the band and were enjoying them, dancing along to almost every tune with beers in their hands. Most of the crowd their were Rusted Root first timers, which is a surprise since the band's played in the area so often. Near a dozen people admitted this as the day wore on. Next time, the band might actually be better off with doing some solos, especially with the type of music they play. At least a drum solo since their drummer is full of talent maybe the best thing to help boost their performance.
Paper Mill Island is always a wonderful and fantastic place to see a concert, with the beuautiful river in the background and the Budweiser boat stage also a highlight. Tts one of the best venues near Syracuse, NY and there should be more bigger named bands visiting the scenic spot.
Overall, the concert was decent and worth going to if your a fan of the band. It wasn't amazing by an means, but it wasn't horrible either. Rusted Root is one of those bands that will always have a group of fans no matter where they end up going riding on top of a modern Grateful Dead ara, and that of course is always a good thing.

Solid B+
3.5 out of 5 stars ***/*

Photo Credit: Leo Pareti

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