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Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Top 10 TV shows to bingewatch November & Dec

What: Wildfire Reviews Bingewatching section
Who: The Best TV Shows
When: November & December 2014
Where: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu Plus

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Wildfire Review's first ever top 10 shows you need to be watching on your local streaming advice.
We'll be giving you updates every two months with what's new to watch on your streaming device whether it's Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hulu Plus.
For our first episode, we'll be featuring ten of the best shows you can watch right now and why you should watch them. (And yes, this reviewer has seen everyone of them, thus why some shows are not on this list and others are).
Here are the top ten most popular & best shows you can watch right now:

The 100
Over the past few years, the CW has stepped up to be one of the best networks on television for new series. With one of the best ever super hero shows, Arrow, coming out with awesome new material every season, and the debut of this year's The Flash, it's no secret that they've become one of America's top best networks and have really strayed away from the whole 'high school drama' of One Tree Hill & Smallville.

The Show:
Now, the CW has just introduced a new sci fi show with a whole lot of heart & punch-the 100. While it does offer that familiar CW High school drama, it's set in a world that's interesting and fascinating, not to mention dosed in complete sci fi heaven that fans will love.
The 100 is one of the best science fiction shows that have been out in recent years, and guess what, it hasn't been cancelled! Every episode in Season one is full of character development, tension, story arcs and compelling direction and cinematography. The special effects are pretty neat too, and now you can watch the entire first season on Netflix.
So, grab some popcorn and watch what everyone is talking about and become hooked on CW's The 100 while cheering on Clarke & Bellamy as they try and rule over a pack of teenagers stranded on a once nuclear bombed out Earth.

Where you can Watch it:
What it's like:
Think Battlestar Galactica meets The Road meets Lord of the Flies meets Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and you can kind of get the picture.
What's Next:
Any of the above followed by Arrow, another great TV show on CW.


The Show:
Let's not fool ourselves, Arrow is one of the best shows on television right now. While some of the characters maybe lacking, it does offer great direction, cinematography & everything else, as well as staying true to the original DC comic book Green Arrow. It's clear the show learned something from LOST because it also has great mystery suspense & flashback scenes that is eerily similar.
By the end of the first season, you'll be hooked and wanting more of Oliver Queen's Green Arrow.
Where Can I Watch it:

What It's like:
Think Smallville meets the Dark Knight trilogy and you get the picture, and oh yeah, it's light years ahead of the new Superman film.
What's Next:
The Flash

Orange is the New Black
The Show
For of those you that are not into super hero stuff or sci-fi, there's a fascinating drama out there that's for everyone- Netflix's most popular TV show, Orange is the New Black. This show screams character development, and after the first few episodes you'll see why.
It took this reviewer an episode or two to get into it, but once your mid way through season one, you'll realize that Orange is the New Black is by far the best material offered to watch on Netflix right now.

Where Can I Watch it:
What It's Like:
There is really nothing like Orange is the New Black
What's Next
House of Cards, Game of Thrones

Orphan Black
The Show
The Reason why this show isn't listed higher is because unfortunately because of it's popularity and lack of access to watch it. However, it almost has a cult following nowadays, and just by watching the first episode of Season One, one can understand why.
Orphan Black is by far the best science fiction TV show out right now, and perhaps of all time.
It's a complete masterpiece, and every episode ends in a suspenseful cliffhanger. (Just wait until you get to the Season Finale)
What rocks most about this show? The lead character who shows off some amazing and mostly under rated acting ability as she plays three (and sometimes more) clones.
Yes, this show is about clones, so sometimes it's hard to follow. But the reward is ever so satsifying.

Where Can I watch It:
Subscription to Amazon Prime:
What's It like
There's really nothing like Orphan Black, but Alias mixed in with The Sixth day comes to mind. (of course, OB is much much better than either of these)

Brooklyn's Nine Nine
The Show
This hilarious sitcom is one of the best comedy shows out right now , even challenging Louis. It's not just another police show either, because you'll fall in love with every one of the characters by the end of just the first episode. Every episode you'll be laughing hysterically , and it's one of the best feel good shows you can watch.
The chemistry between the two lead actors, Andy Samberg & Andre Braugher is something that can't be missed as well.

Where Can I watch it:
The Entire show on Hulu Plus
Whats It's like:
Arrested Development meets Saturday Night Live

Under the Dome
The Show
Despite ever so increasing differences of the book and this TV show, Under the Dome has gained so much popularity it's now one of the most popular TV shows on right now, even more so than Game of Thrones. The reason for this is that it gets you completely hooked into the show and you can't stop watching it. (I mean come on, who didn't love the very first scenes of the first episode of season One?)
While it's a good mix of horror, sci-fi and drama, as well as excellent special effects, Season 2 saw a a huge lack in character development that hopefully will be fixed in Season 3.
Despite the big conflicts between the novel and the film, it's suspenseful T.V.

Where Can I watch It:
Amazon Prime
Whats It Like:

Game of Thrones
The Show
With a show with one of the biggest fan basses ever, HBO's Game of Thrones has come to be one of the best TV shows of all time with each episode almost a masterpiece in itself.
Bursting with character development, mythology, fantasy & super star dome, after watching the first Season, you'll be blown away by HBO's biggest series.
Quality matters and this show proves it again and again.
However, one unfortunate set back is your favorite characters won't be sticking along for a very long time.
The reason this show isn't higher on this list is that it's been out for a while now (Five Seasons) and no straming device has it offered.

The Walking Dead
The Show
Another show with a huge fan base, the Walking Dead has continued to awe fans and critics alike with every season that offers something new and exciting.
It's created an entirely new zombie face, and while the beginning of it seemed like a kick off of 28 Days/Weeks later, by the end of the first season the show truly blossomed to become something original and powerful. It has boosted the zombie genre to whole new levels, and almost everyone has watched it by now.

Where Can I watch It:
Netflix, Amazon Prime & Hulu Plus
What its Like:
Think 28 Days Later meets The Road

Sleepy Hollow
This newer show has quickly gained a successful fan based that allowed for it to come back for a second season, and after watching the first few episodes of Season One, you'll get why of course.
While the first episode may send you a few mixed feelings, the show gets more and more intense, dark and dreary.
The chemistry between the two lead actors is great in this show as well, and hey, while it's a no- brainer, Sleepy Hollow is one of the funnest shows you can watch on TV right now.

Where Can I watch It:
Hulu Plus Subscription
What is it like:
Your average fantasy tale converted into Sleepy Hollow folklore

Breaking Bad

If you haven't seen Breaking Bad, you need to. With comparisons to the Sopranos and other great crime Dramas, Breaking Bad is the show to watch if you want character development.
Every episode gets more and more intense as you'll get along, and Bryan Cranston delivers one of the best ever TV performances of all time (if not the greatest) as Walter White.

Where Can I watch it:

What is it like
The Sopranos meets Blow

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