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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Jonny Lang rocks out Paper Mill Island, A+

Above: Jonny Lang performs on Friday, July 24th 2015 at Paper Mill Island in Bville, NY.
The weather was perfect providing a great recipe for a just an equally amazing performance from Jonny Lang last night at Paper Mill Island in Bville, NY. Blues fans received the ultimate real treat with riffs that would make Buddy Guy jealous and an amazing version of Lang's tune Lie to Me at the very end.

The weather couldn't have been more perfect last night with temperatures hovering around 80 degrees and a few scattered clouds in the sky. While the sun beated down on blues fans as they flocked to Paper Mill Island, locals Castle Creek opened up the show. They were a good opener for Lang, and the lead guitarist proved to be pretty good. The local Syracuse group commented on how they recently recorded at Abby Road's studio in London.

When Jonny Lang graced the stage several moments later and people swarmed up front to get a good view, everyone knew they were in for one hell of a night. Lang danced around the stage with endless energy, hammering away at his guitar like it was a piece of him.

Now in is thirties, it was great to see a child guitar prodigy live in concert in the Syracuse area. Lang awed the crowd on endless locations, but he wasn't the only highlight of the night.
His band were fantastic as well, especially the keyboardist. Lang respectively gave each band bember their own solos for the night, and they all proved just as musically good as the head guy hismelf.

The only downfall of the night were the bugs and being eaten alive with all the water around. Even Jonny quoted, 'We hope the bugs don't carry you away, but don't worry their coming for us.' It was funny when one of the security guys came on stage spraying each band member down with bug spray later on in the set, because they were pretty bad last night on the island.

Despite the bugs, it was a perfect night for a perfect concert with Jonny Lang at Paper Mill Island. The best part of the night was at the end, when Lang sang a great version of his hit tune, Lie to Me.
He's well worth seeing for any blues fans.
All Photo Credit to Nicole Carey
Jonny Lang & His Band
Castle Creek:

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