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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Midnight is great for Grace but not many others, B-

Despite a powerful prescence from Grace Potter herself, her new album Midnight is so differant from her previous material and venturing into the land of pop that it may discourage die hard fans. Unfortunately, it's just not the same Grace anymore.

It seems like more and more popular musical acts are changing musical grounds and genres these days. First Taylor going pop, then it was Steven Tyler going country. Everyone thought Grace herself would swing more towards country after a successful tour and duet with Kenny Chesney. That might have been a surprising welcome to the band and her fans. However, she decided to go another way venturing into the never ending land of pop and techno rock. Midnight is Grace Potter's first solo release without the Nocturnals, and although it might have been a good thing for Grace, everyone else may be slightly disappointed in the outcome.

The best thing about the new album is of course Grace Potter. Her vocals are better than ever and outshine everything else, especially with such songs like 'Alive Tonight' and 'Delirious'. With a powerful pop presence in the background, hopefully this will mean a few huge hits for the up and coming diva. It's because of Grace that Midnight isn't a completely horrible album, however, it's nothing like her work with the Nocturnals. Even her previous record, 'The Lion, the Heart & the Beat' showed a much more promising future for the group as a whole than Midnight.

One of the biggest reasons why Midnight leaves a sour taste isn't really about the album at all but Grace's decision to drop the Nocturnals from her name. No one deserves more fame than Grace, who's played everywhere from your local bars downtown to big outdoor music festivals for the past decade. However, without the Nocturnals, she wouldn't be where she is today, and it would have been nice for her to carry on that tradition.

Midnight isn't a bad album overall, however many die hard fans might be turned off by the new musical approach by Potter.

Grace Potter's new single, Alive Tonight:

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